Discover the Land of Fire
At only a three-hour flight time from the UAE, a holiday in Azerbaijan offers a modern yet historic city break or a beautiful countryside retreat, closer to home. Bounded by the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains which span both Asia and Europe, enjoy the cooler temperatures,
excellent food and friendly locals, a vibrant, modern capital in Baku, and green, mountainous landscapes in the city of Gabala, and beyond. Enjoy hiking in the summer and some exceptional, affordable skiing in the winter as well as a host of mega-events from Formula 1 to Europa League Football.
Book your unforgettable tour to Azerbaijan now
3 Nights / 4 Days
AED 2499/- ( minimum 02 pax)
Package Includes
- Return Air Tickets
- 4* Hotel Accommodation
- Meals on BB
- Airport Transfers
Validity ā 01July ā 31 st August
Adult | AED 2499 |
Child | AED 2499 |
Infant | AED 0 |
Reviews Scores and Score Breakdown
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